(NaturalNews) Maryanne Godboldo of Detroit, Mich., recently learned the hard way that freedom of choice in medicine is no longer tolerated by the medical mafia in the supposed "land of the free." Recently, armed officers from the Special Response Team (SRT) of the Detroit Police Department (DPD), at the command of Child Protective Services (CPS), unlawfully kicked down the door of Godboldo's home and kidnapped her 13-year-old child. Her crime? Maryanne chose to follow the lead of a doctor's recommendation to take her daughter off a pharmaceutical drugtreatmentrecommendation for psychosis that was worsening the child'ssymptoms, and instead chose to usenaturalremedies to treat the condition.
It all started back in 2009 when Maryanne's previously-homeschooled daughter went in for a series of routine vaccinations in order to be enrolled in middle school. Shortly after receiving the shots, thechildbegan to have severe adverse reactions that included "acting out of character, being irritated, having facial grimaces," and other behavioral problems that Maryanne's mother says she had never had before, and all of which emerged immediately after the vaccines were administered.
Maryanne voluntarily decided to take her daughter to The Children's Center (CC), a group that claims to "enhance the emotional well being of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families," in order to get some treatment ideas. CC prescribed Maryanne's daughter some very dangerouspsychotropic drugsthat eventually ended up only only making the symptoms worse.
Maryanne then consulted with an outside physician who recommended that she stop giving thedrugsto her child, and instead pursue other options. Maryanne agreed and began to use holistic and natural methods instead -- and as a result, her child's overallhealthand well-being improved significantly.
The State of Michigan and CPS, however, decided to go after Maryanne for taking the child off the drugs, even though Maryanne was the one that voluntarily took her daughter to CC, and voluntarily took their recommendation to try the psychosis drugs. In other words, CPS believed that Maryanne needed to continue to give her daughter the psychotropic drugs, even though she is, and never was, underanylegal obligation to adhere to the treatment. In fact, no parent iseverlegally required to comply with drug or any othertreatmentsthat are harm theirchildreninstead of helping them.
But CPS demanded that Maryanne either resume the treatment of surrender her child to them. She refused this offer, of course, since it is bothillegaland unconstitutional. But eventually CPS succeeded in getting the muscle and guns behind an outrageous scheme to actually go and abduct Maryanne's child from herhome.
An armed SWAT-style team arrived at Maryanne's house days after the initial warning. Agents busted down Maryanne's door, and proceeded to pursue capturing her child -- and they actually brought atankto the house as part of their operation, as well as full protective gear and large assaultweapons.
In an attempt to defend herself against the unlawful, invadingterroristsfrom the state, Maryanne allegedly shot warning fire in an attempt to dissuade the agents from entering, but her efforts were not successful. In the end, the invaders captured the child ,and proceeded to arrest Maryanne on several alleged, but invalid, felony charges. Maryanne was later released, but now faces a huge legal battle as she seeks to regain custody of her child. She will also have to endure thousands of dollars in legal fees throughout the process.
According to Maryanne's lawyer, Wanda A. Evans, the abducting agentsnevereven produced a valid warrant showing that they had a legal right to take Maryanne's child in the first place. In fact, they were asked repeatedly to show a warrant,but refused to do so. Based on this fact alone, both CPS and the "policeofficers" involved this outrageouseventare literally nothing more than criminal terrorists that illegally abducted the child of an innocent civilian woman.
Supporters of Maryanne have set up a website called "Justice for Maryanne Godboldo" designed to helpsupportMaryanne, and reunite her with her child. Its organizers have created a "Calling Campaign" to demand that urges the public to callevery single US representative in Detroit, every single day, to demand an investigation into CPS and the Department of Human Services for their crimes in this case (http://justice4maryanne.bbnow.org/e...). Those contacts include:
Fred Duhal - (517) 373-0844, freddurhal@house.mi.gov
Shanelle Jackson - (517) 373-1705, shenellejackson@house.mi.gov
David Nathan - (517) 373-3815, davidnathan@house.mi.gov
Jimmy Womack - (517) 373-0589, jimmywomack@house.mi.gov
Lisa Howze - (517) 373-0106, lisahowze@house.mi.gov
Rick Snyder - (517) 373-3400, rick.snyder@michigan.gov
The key perpetrators that instigated this heinouscrimeagainst humanity include:
Michael Patterson, District Manager with the DHS children's division administration of Wayne County - (313) 852-1700
Michigan Department of Human Services - (517) 373-2035
Also, be sure to check out the "Justice for Maryanne Godboldo" Facebook page at:
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/032090_Maryanne_Godboldo_health_freedom.html#ixzz1PD50yJVL
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